學校並沒有我們所知道的「宿舍」。有些 school sponsored house 出租給學生,但價錢幾乎都在 600 美金以上,所以大家都想辦法在學校周邊租房子。

一般而言可以找到 $ 500-550 左右,甚至少於 $ 500 的房間。有些人來參加暑期課程時會先隨便住,甚至租學校的天價房間,接著再用暑假慢慢找房子。屆時對環境比較熟悉,也可以 與好友結伴租住。

由於需求遠超過供給,在蒙特瑞附近找房子愈來愈困難。因此,剛到此地的新生,最好有心理準備,可能要花上 1 、 2 個星期才能找到滿意的住所。各位可以先去學校的學生事務中心( Student Affairs )索取相關資訊。也可詢問本地的房屋仲介商,譬如 AG Davi 。 AG Davi 的電話: 831-373-2222 網址 www.agdavi.com , 若想開始安排住宿問題,可以與學校聯絡或至 http://coastweekly.com/ 網站蒐集資料。

如果想要找到走路即可到學校的房子,或許要花上更多的時間。計劃買車的新生 可能會 有更多的選擇,因為距離學校較遠的房子數量相對較多。所以,建議新生可提早到此找房子,畢竟要先安頓下來才能專心課業。對那些「有幸」受邀參與暑期課程的同學,可以先住學校贊助的房子,因為這些房屋大部分都在學校附近走路即可到達的範圍內,雖然價錢通常較為昂貴,但可先暫住下來,再利用暑假,慢慢找到開學後長期的住處。畢竟搬家是件麻煩的事,因此 最好 多花點時間尋找真正滿意的住處,千萬不要倉促決定。

蒙特瑞的房價正在逐年增 漲 ,且也因住宅形式的不同 而各 異。想要獨居的新生,可找一房一廳且通常包括廚房的公寓 (studio) ,但價格當然也最昂貴。在此的學生通常都是和人共租一 套 兩房的公寓,兩人共用衛浴設備、廚房及客廳。若想每天練習英文對話,可考慮和外國人住在一起。當然,也可以和班上同學一起居住,生活習慣比較相近,並可相互照料。為避免日後不必要的爭議,對於帳單、家務的分擔等問題都應在開始就與室友達成共識。此外,有些房子會提供大部分的傢俱,有些只提供床或桌子,有些甚至連床都沒有提供,因此在租屋時要問清楚。若須購買家俱,可在週末到二手貨拍賣會尋寶 (這裏週末的 garage sale 很盛行),或者也可以從快畢業的學長姐那裏買到便宜的二手用品 。

此外,在與房東簽約時要詳閱合約的內容,並詢問房租是否包含水電費、有線電視費、垃圾處理費、下水道費等費用( Utility Fee s ),或是住處是否有洗衣機、停車位等問題。搬進住處前,最好檢查一下是否有任何傢俱及設備的損害。若發現任何的毀壞,應立即告訴房東,要求立刻修復,以免引起日後的爭議。因為租屋通常須 預先 支付一個月的押金,若未先告知 這些破損 ,房東 日後 可能以損毀設備為由扣留押金。

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Let's assume that you are reading this as you are planning to leave for Monterey. You have bought the airline ticket, spit in your boss's face, burnt down the school, broke up with your significant other, murdered your pet, and there is no turning back, too late to back out now.

Assuming that this is the case, this guide was written especially for you. If you also happen to be someone who is lazy, poor, inept in the kitchen and behind the wheel, then this guide is a must-read. The author is a perfect example of someone who fits all the above descriptions.

First of all let me bring to your attention something of utmost important: Safeway. I cannot emphasize the importance of this grocery-retailing franchise (in English: chain supermarket) enough. It is an oasis in the desert, a ship in the horizon, a candle in the blackout, the pillar of humanity, and the beacon of civilization. Wherever you go, always keep an eye open for the Safeway sign, it could well be a matter of life and death. The author is by no means affiliated with Safeway unless, unless you consider owing one's life to it on innumerable occasions an affiliation. For many, it is a source of food. For some, like the author, it is a way of life. Everything that is essential is available in Safeway (No, I don't get paid for this subliminal messaging). Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that their products are of any good, the point is that they are cheap.

Next let's talk about the food in Monterey. Let's face it, the United States is not exactly the Mecca of food. We Chinese judge the level of civilization in terms of the quality of food. In that respect, you have come to a barbaric society, so live with it. American food is either bad or expensive or both. Forget the school canteen. The foods they serve are seldom edible and always overpriced. For similar reasons, skip the restaurants. Are things really that bad here? Before refunding your airline ticket or resurrecting your pet, read on as I provide a solution.

Believe it or not, the author survived her first 2 months in Monterey on sandwiches alone. You can get all the fillings for your sandwich in the afore-mentioned high spoken of supermarket. Ham, turkey, chicken, bologna, anything, it doesn't really matter, you won't be able to tell the difference. Just get the cheapest thing you can find. Apply ketchup in generous quantities if you later decide that you don't like the taste of your sandwich. It will not make your sandwich better; but it will remove any strange odors. You can also add cheese or pickle to guide the process along.

Next let's discuss another important issue: health. Milk and orange juice are quite cheap here. A steady dose of both will keep you going. Two glasses of milk can last the author until dinner, and she is as healthy as, if not healthier than, any student in MIIS. Also, always keep an eye out for the "Buy One Get One Free" tags.

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•  Edgewater Shopping Center

•  Target — 什麼東西都找得到的地方,價格實惠。

•  Costco — 跟 Target 差不多,不過東西都是一大包一大包賣,團體購買的時候可以考慮。


 •  Freemount:

•  Dollar Tree — 一元商店,這裡可以找到很多湯匙、碗盤、杯子之類的小東西。

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  • Apr 21 Thu 2005 00:21
  • 買菜


•  Safeway — 一家大型超市,也有賣一些東方食品如:豆腐、麵條、 泡菜、豆漿、醬油等。



•  Edgewater Shopping Center:

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剛來到 Monterey 的同學,大多會想念家鄉的食物。尤其一些台灣來的同學,更是連作夢都會夢到台灣夜市的美食。


因為每天在外面吃,會是一筆很大的開銷。學校的學生中心有賣簡單的早餐及午餐,如果吃得慣美式食物的人,可以在這裡吃飯。週末時,偶而可以和三五同學一同去 Monterey 附近的餐廳打打牙祭。以下有幾家不錯的餐廳,在此推薦給你們。


Wing's Chinese Fast Food (Alvarado St)

Chong's Café (485 Tyler St.)

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